CldVideoPlayer Examples
Basic settings to display a video.
width="1620" height="1080" src="videos/mountain-stars"
Adaptive Streaming
Basic settings to display a video.
width="1620" height="1080" src="videos/mountain-stars" transformation={{ streaming_profile: 'hd', }} sourceTypes={['hls']}
Crop & Resize
Basic settings to display a video.
width="1620" height="1080" src="videos/dog-running-snow"
Transformation: overlay
Adding a watermark to a video.
src="videos/mountain-stars" transformation={{ overlay: "assets:space-jelly-cosmo-helmet", width: 150, gravity: "south_east", x: 50, y: 50, opacity: 40 }}
Custom Player Colors & Font
Changing the player theme using colors and fonts
colors={{ accent: '#ff0000', base: '#00ff00', text: '#0000ff' }} fontFace="Source Serif Pro"
Custom Logo
Adding a custom logo to the player chrome
logo={{ imageUrl: '', onClickUrl: '' }}
Adding effects to the video's auto-generated thumb
poster={{ tint: 'equalize:80:blue:blueviolet' }}
Specifying a remote URL
Using a Cloudinary image with effects
poster={{ src: `${process.env.IMAGES_DIRECTORY}/turtle`, tint: 'equalize:80:blue:blueviolet' }}
Provide localization options for player labels.
language="es" languages={{ es: { Play: "Reproducción", Pause: "Pausa", "Current Time": "Tiempo reproducido", ... } }}
Uses Video.js JSON format (opens in a new tab) to provide labels.
With Ref on Callback
Using a ref to access the player instance
playerRef={myPlayerRef} onMetadataLoad={() => { console.log('metadata-loaded'); console.log(`duration: ${myPlayerRef.current.duration()}`); }}
Note: the
instance is also passed in the callback function:onMetadataLoad={({ player }) => { console.log('metadata-loaded'); console.log(`duration: ${player.duration()}`); }}